About the Author

Dr Xavier is a pathologist focused on surgical pathology, teaching and research. Dermatopathology and cytology are his areas of interest; skin melanocytic lesions, thyroid fine needle aspiration and cervical cytology are his areas of expertise.
He studied at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (medical school) and São Paulo State University in Botucatu (Pathology residency and PhD program) Brazil. Now he works at the Instituto de Patologia de Araçatuba and at Medical School of the Centro Universitário Católico UniSALESIANO Auxilium, Araçatuba, Brazil. Since 2017 he has had the Diploma in Dermatopathology by the International Committee for Dermatopathology.
Dr Xavier is keen on sharing his insights on the role of pathology in diagnosis and wants to shed light on this very special and beautiful field of medicine.
He is a member of the International Academy of Cytology, International Society of Dermatopathology, Brazilian Society of Pathology and Latin American Society of Pathology. This year he started the activities as a Karger ambassador for health sciences.