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Uncontrollable twitching of the muscles round the eyes is called blepharospasm or myokymia. Only the eyelid may be affected, or…

Grinding your teeth together when you are asleep is surprisingly common. Most teeth-grinders are unaware that they do it and…

You may be surprised to learn that we each produce about 2–3 pints (1.5 litres) of saliva a day. We…

In the olden days, doctors were very keen on asking patients to put out their tongue and made all sorts…

Stammering (stuttering) usually starts in childhood – between the ages of 3 and 5 – but most children grow out…

Consult your doctor and dentist if you have tried the self-help approaches without success. You should also see your doctor…

There is no shortage of ‘cures’, for snoring (over 300 anti-snoring devices have been registered at the USA patent office…

Snoring is not a disease. In fact, it is so common that one could argue that it is almost normal….

When we are awake, the muscles of the throat hold the throat open, so that air passes in smoothly as…

Snoring is very common and is more likely the older you are. Snoring may be a sign of disturbed sleep,…

We all have mouth ulcers occasionally. The medical term for them is aphthous ulcers. They are round, painful sores inside…

In a lot of cases, sticking-out ears are evident at birth, so can be dealt with straight away. The gristle…

Keep out of wind as much as possible. If you ride a bike, wrap a scarf around the lower part…

Get early treatment. The earlier you treat a cold sore, the better. In fact, the best time to start treatment…

Cold sores are caused by a virus called herpes simplex 1 (HSV1) and herpes simplex 2 (HSV2). (Herpes simplex viruses…

Cold sores often begin with a tingling or burning sensation before tiny blisters start on or near the lips. A…

A dental check-up is the first priority. The British Dental Association suggests that you explain in advance that you will…

Almost everyone has bad breath first thing in the morning. During the day, movement of the tongue and cheeks dislodges…

Concerns about bad breath (also known as halitosis) are a common concern, resulting in a thriving market for breath fresheners…